I se spunea Trica. They called him Trica - Victoria Furcoiu

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Editie bilingva: Romana-engleza Am creat un personaj - "Trica" (Alexandru), punand pe seama lui mai multe fapte si intamplari menite sa-i dezvaluie caracterul copilului inteligent, nazdravan, curios, uneori nonconformist, avand o mare nevoie de atentie si iubire, care, cautand sa invete din tot ceea ce i se intampla, reuseste sa descopere treptat importanta indreptarii atitudinii/comportamentului (cand se confrunta cu anumite reguli ce trebuie respectate, dar si dupa unele fapte regretabile), a acceptarii si iertarii (pentru a putea trece mai usor peste nemultumiri, chiar si peste unele dureri sufletesti), a neacceptarii (cand se convinge ca are in fata o cale gresita), a comunicarii (pentru a putea lamuri orice neintelegere), a cunoasterii (prin invatare si lectura) si nu in ultimul rand, a credintei in Dumnezeu si in ajutorul Divin spre faptele bune. I have created a character - "Trica" (Alexandru), by involving him in various events meant to reveal the personality of an intelligent, naughty, curious, sometimes nonconformist boy, a trouble-maker with a great need for attention and love, who, seeking to learn from everything happening to him, manages to gradually discover the importance of correcting the attitude / behaviour (when faced with certain rules that must be obeyed, but also after some regrettable deeds), of acceptance and forgiveness (in order to be able to overcome dissatisfaction or even some emotional pain more easily), of non-acceptance (when he is convinced that he is on the wrong path), of communication (in order to be able to clear up any misunderstanding), of knowledge (through learning and reading) and, last but not least, of faith in God and the Divine help towards good deeds. Traducere in limba engleza de Daniela Florescu.
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