Between Critical Thinking and Literary Critical Thinking - Dragos Avadanei

Cod intern: xsales_8267468
Producator: Dragos Avadanei
Vizualizari: 1 / Achizitii: 1
Pret:   26.99 RON

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From Table of Contents: Literature on Its Own-An Introduction Thinking About Critical Thinking Critical Reading (of Literature) Creativity and Creative Thinking Poetic Thinking - Literary Critical Thinking. This book is, basically, a demonstration of the fact that critical thinking, as it has come to be defined and interpreted in the Anglo-American cultural space, is almost completely different from literary critical thinking, with which, as a matter of fact, it often finds itself in contradiction. To uphold this thesis, the volume is organized in sections that are meant to coherently defend this demonstration. Each section is developed somewaht independently, autonomously, with idividual bibliographies, in order to allow an eclectic sort of reading during which the succession of chapters should not necessarily require a relationship of interdependence-otherwise implicit.
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