Shadows in the Night - Jane Finnis

Cod intern: xsales_11509339
Vizualizari: 39 / Achizitii: 38
Pret:   16.0 RON

Acest produs este publicat in categoria Librarie la data de 10-10-2023: 10:10 si vandut de Libris. Vanzatorul isi asuma corectitudinea datelor publicate. ( alege finantarea potrivita )

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BRITANNIA, 91 AD: A raw, frontier province lying at the northern edge of the Roman Empire. Its fifty years since the legions invaded, but the land still simmers with tension, especially in the north. But in the Oak Tree Inn on the road to Eburacum, both Roman and Briton are welcome. Innkeeper Aurelia Marcella fled the devastation of Pompeii to build a new life here, and though her roots are Roman, her heart belongs to Britannia. Then a messenger is brutally decapitated outside her Inn, a crude message scrawled on his body: ALL ROMANS WILL BE KILLED. GET OUT OR DIE. An act of rebellion, or something more sinister, something more personal? Amid shadows and deception, Aurelia will have to face the possibility that someone she knows and trusts her and her family dead...
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